HousEEnvest, through the coordinator partner of the AGENEX project, has attended the VII Zaragoza Housing Conference in which the financing mechanisms available to promote energy renovations in Spain were analyzed.

The Long-term Strategy for energy rehabilitation in the building sector in Spain (ERESEE) is a strategic plan to support the renovation of the Spanish building stock, of residential and non-residential buildings, both public and private, for their transformation into a Real estate sector with high energy efficiency and decarbonized before 2050, facilitating the economically profitable transformation of existing buildings into buildings with almost zero energy consumption.

With the aim of shedding light on this matter, the Zaragoza Housing Cathedra of the University of Zaragoza organized a webinar on February 4th called “Spanish Strategy for Energy Rehabilitation in the Building Sector and Financing Mechanisms”. Public and private entities from the financial and energy rehabilitation sectors participated in a conference in which the opportunities and future challenges to be undertaken were analyzed. Organized the debates around tables with experts, participants highlighted the alignment of existing strategies for energy rehabilitation with the ERESEE and the mechanisms and innovative experiences in terms of financing.

The HousEEnvest project attended this conference thanks to the participation of the Extremadura Energy Agency, the project’s lead partner.