HousEEnvest project launches a new online training programme aimed at professionals and businesses dedicated to the energy rehabilitation sector.

This is a free course, entitled “ENERGY REHABILITATION OF MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS”, lasting 40 hours. Next Monday, on June 15th, the training will be opened on the HousEEnvest training platform and will be available for participants to do until October the 1st of 2020, so participants will be able to follow the course in a flexible way and without schedules, as it is a 100% online methodology.

With interactive content that includes videos, presentations, practical exercises and self-assessment tests; so you can progress at your own pace.

The course has three thematic modules:

  • Module 1 – HousEEnvest project
  • Module 2 – Energy Performance Contracts
  • Module 3 – Types of Energy Efficiency improvements in buildings

If you are interested, you can register here.

And if you know someone who could find this course useful and interesting, send the link so he/she can sign up.

Because now is the perfect time to improve your professional skills thanks to HousEEnvest training programme.