The Fourth Transnational Forum of the REHABILITE project, held in Angoulême (New-Aquitaine, France) on November 20, 2018, brought together some 90 participants from Portugal, Spain and France. Its objective was to analyze the energy efficiency policies adopted in Europe, as well as as the existing financial solutions to finance actions in this area. The first three international forums of this European cooperation project were held in Pamplona (Navarra, Spain), Bordeaux (New-Aquitaine, France) and Amarante (North, Portugal) in 2016, 2017 and 2018 and brought together some 150 participants: REHABILITE project’s partners, local stakeholders and partners (institutions, associations, donors, companies and professional networks) of the three countries involved in the project (France, Spain and Portugal).
HousEEnvest project was presented by the Technical Coordinator of the Extremadura Energy Agency, AGENEX, who explained the innovative financial tool that is being created with the project.
In the afternoon, the partners and stakeholders had the opportunity to visit some interventions carried out to improve energy efficiency in the municipality of Angouleme: the garages of the local Public Transport Company and a project to improve social housing in a depressed area.