Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum: Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place is an event that took place 19th and 20th of February in Brussels. It was organized by Covenant of Mayors and the appointment was encouraged to promote the investment in renewable energy and prepare cities for the risks and threats of climate change.   

Energy Efficiency Investments in multifamily houses (HousEEnvest) was presented on 19th of February in this important forum by the Extremadura Energy Agency, Agenex.

HousEEnvest is targeted to the creation of a new funding model for the full energy renovation of multi-family houses in Extremadura. Thanks to an innovative financing scheme, HousEEnvest aims at achieving improvements in energy efficiency of the buildings, which is a replicable model in other Spanish or European cities.

Currently the project is developing the previous energy studies in different residents’ associations, in collaboration with the regional Government in order to analyze the feasibility of the needed improvements.

The Covenant of Mayors is the world’s largest movement for local climate and energy actions. The initiative now gathers 7,000+ local and regional authorities across 57, with the main purpose of accelerating the decarbonization of their territories, strengthening their capacity to adapt to unavoidable climate change impacts, and allowing their citizens to access secure, sustainable and affordable energy.

This links with Europe’s strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy highlights the importance of maximizing the benefits from energy efficiency, increasing the deployment of renewables and decarbonization of Europe’s energy supply

In addition, AGENEX team was invited to take part in the conference Financing energy efficiency and project development – Contractors’ Meeting 2019, an international event about the need of working on the development of stable funding sources for the development of projects related to energy efficiency, last 21st of February.

Both meetings entail greater visibility of the progress that the region is making in energy improvement of public and private buildings, promoting energy sustainability and the decarbonization of rural and urban areas in Extremadura.

HousEEnvest lasts until 2021 and is a project funded by the research and innovation programme of the European Union Horizon 2020, under grant agreement No. 784986.