The objective is to analyze the energy situation of each building to identify the improvements that can be made and that allow more rational, efficient and environmentally friendly energy consumption. Among the proposed actions, those focused on saving energy, improving facilities and equipment, and the introduction of technologies that help improve consumption stand out.
Before the development of these studies, an identification of the buildings that will be analyzed has been made: they are multifamily and residential homes built before 1980, and that have some type of pathology (condensation, poor insulation, roofs in poor condition…) that requires improvement.
In a first phase, practical information such as the energy billing data of the building (both the electricity supply and other fuels) will be collected, in addition to making an inventory of the facilities and the surface of the building, taking into account key aspects such as their distribution or the number of users.
Then the project technical consultants will take action and collect data about the construction of the building itself, as well as the energy-consuming facilities for the building report.
In a third phase, the current state of the building will be analyzed and evaluated, with a global energy balance and with the improvement proposals that can be made to improve its efficiency; that will be reflected in the final report that is delivered to users.
Among the measures analyzed, the improvement of the building envelope, the replacement of elevators by more efficient ones, changes in centralized heating and/or sanitary hot water systems by other more efficient ones, or the implementation of renewable energies in the edification.
The objective of the project is to carry out a detailed study of more than 300 buildings in Extremadura.
HousEEnvest has 9 partners that represent all the key actors that are necessary for the implementation of the project: regional government policymakers, public financial companies, demand-side associations, the construction sector and companies with technical, legal and economic experience. For further information, the project website can be consulted.
The Energy Efficiency Investments in multifamily houses (HousEEnvest) project is financed by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, under agreement No. 784986.