HousEEnvest is the result of two years of work between key institutions in the region of Extremadura, from the energy, economy and construction sectors, combined with international resources from EIB and EU cooperation programmes.


Houseenvest’s objective is to create a new financing model for the energy rehabilitation of multi-family housing in Extremadura, which will also contribute to boosting the construction sector.


We will develop an innovative financing scheme, implementing a Guarantee Fund created with public investment funds, movement of non-refundable grants through the combination of EFSI funds and private participation.




There are no upcoming events at this time.


A new edition of the HousEEnvest training program starts

A new edition of the HousEEnvest training program starts

150 professionals have already participated in this training on energy renovation of buildings and houses. From April 12 until July 12, a new edition of the HousEEnvest training program for business and professionals will take place, focused on the energy renovation...

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HousEEnvest success case in ManagEnergy report

HousEEnvest success case in ManagEnergy report

ManagEnergy is the European Commission’s initiative dedicated to local and regional energy agencies. It was restarted in 2017 to assist energy agencies in becoming leaders in the energy transition and increasing sustainable energy investments in regions and cities....

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Online debate on ERESEE

Online debate on ERESEE

HousEEnvest, through the coordinator partner of the AGENEX project, has attended the VII Zaragoza Housing Conference in which the financing mechanisms available to promote energy renovations in Spain were analyzed. The Long-term Strategy for energy rehabilitation in...

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Success of the HousEEnvest webinar on energy rehabilitation

Success of the HousEEnvest webinar on energy rehabilitation

On May 28, HousEEnvest organized a free webinar on energy rehabilitation for professionals and companies in the sector. Due to the significant number of applications, we had to increase the number of available places (initially there were only 150). Finally, the...

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How could Spain be more sustainable in housing?

How could Spain be more sustainable in housing?

The future requires that homes must be efficient. In the European Union, the construction sector consumes 40% of primary energy and 50% of raw materials. It generates 30% of waste and spends more than 20% of drinking water. In the case of Spain, sustainability is...

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